I finally had the appointment with my ortho doctor for my shoulder. She agreed it was a good thing for me to put off the surgery. Losing weight and not being under so much stress will be a good thing. No sense taking chances I don't need to.
She xrayed my neck and other shoulder and I didn't like what I heard. I already know that my feet have arthritis. I already know my hands do. I know it's in my knees too. Well now, it's not only in my left shoulder, it's in my right. It's also where my collar bone and shoulder meet. The upper spine xray showed it's in my spine too. C4, 5, and 6. Super. And I know if they did the xrays of my lower back, it's there too. I know now that it is something I have to find a way to live with. It doesn't make me happy, but it's my reality. I have to learn to live in my own reality. And be happy.
We are changing my meds so I don't need to be on percocet. I hate taking that stuff. But it did work. We are trying a new to me arthritis med called relafen. Anyone out there used it? Any reactions? Advice? So far it seems to be doing okay. It's great not to be so tired all the time.
She also gave me shots in both shoulders. It always takes a couple days, but it's all good now.
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
~~Lao Tzu
Oh the stink from that freezer mess lasted forever! It was horrible! I think we pretty much have it handled now but I still need to reclean, reclean, reclean. I want to do the inside again. It was more or less just wiped out. It needs a real strong cleaning. It's just so hard for me to do so many things. In time. And the way I figure it, I've got the rest of my life to get things done.
The yard looks so different. The pool is down now. It has given us the incentive to do some more clearing out. We just have so much stuff! I'm helping a little out there, but I have so much inside to purge through it's tough for me to spend time out there.
I finally have the attic back to where I can move around a little. It will get much better as I go along. I'm working on getting things ready to donate to our friend Mary Michel for the ministry she and her husband Marv Hodges run. Bridging the Gap ministries in Cuyahoga Falls is changing locations and will be able to expand. It's fantastic watching their growth. The craft items I have stored up there not being used will be able to be utilized in good ways. That will make me and all those who have passed things down to me happy.
While I was working in the attic, I moved the things that went in the dressers in the attic back where they belong. That's a good thing. Finally. I like things in order. Getting them out of the office and clearing that space was easy because we just did grab and stack. Putting it all back has taken time. Lots of time.
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, 'cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
~~Will Smith
We have found a way to gather some funds for our next Branson trip. Our stay is free. We have a free trip coming plus we had some points banked we needed to use. We be gone the entire week. Our food, gas and entertainment is being provided for free too. Well mostly free. We have cash vouchers at the casino that is only half an hour from home. If they want to send free money I have no problem using it. We are going up and using them, then whatever is won on them comes home and goes into our trip can. None of our own money is being spent...because we have none TO spend. While we are there, we've used our free food vouchers for a meal out. And, we've got gas rewards credits we've used that actually have paid for the gas to go up and use the vouchers.
So far, we have our gas money and show money in the can. Shows will be cheap. One will cost $20 and one $30. Next, food. And whatever meals we don't have money for, we will be taking food. The kitchen is full stocked with cooking utensils, etc. so cooking is no problem. Only thing they don't have is a crockpot and we will take my little one.
I plan to work on my writing the week we're gone. I think the concentrated time away from the hustle and bustle of homelife will help me get back on track. I'd love to get one of the two books actually done. We shall see how it goes.
I tried making rice krispie treats with marshmallow cream. I had what looked like a good recipe. They tasted like...well not good, and they didn't hold together. Recipe fail.
If there were no cooking failures, there wouldn't be as many fast food joints.
~~Mama Sage
Oh my oh my. Cliff was cleaning out the shed that keeps the outdoor/garden things. A nasty old mouse had decided to use the shed as her home. Not happenin'. Mama Sage doesn't like mice. Nope. They relocated to places beyond my sight. And they better not be thinking they can move into the house. We will have a war!
I am still mourning my pan. Someone came over and asked to borrow my giant Farberware pan. The more I think about it, it seems it was someone wanting to waterbath something but they couldn't find or didn't want to look for their own big pan. I vaguely remember telling them it didn't have a rack for the bottom but that they could use extra canning jar rings to create a rack.
And now my pan is gone. I-dunno has it. I really, really want it back! Really. I'm hoping and praying whoever has it runs across it and realizes it is mine. If they don't want to admit they had it, fine. Anonymously drop it on the porch. I'll be good with that. As long as I get my pan back.
Last weekend, not today and yesterday, but last weekend, we had Emmi and Kennedy both for the weekend. It was Kennedy's regular weekend with us and Emmi's mommy and daddy were away at a friend's wedding. We had the best time. I just love spending time with our kiddos. THIS is what being a grandparent is all about. Love and smiles neverending. I missed them as soon as they left.
My turkey tetrazzini was a hit. I wish I'd written down what I did. The sauce was cream of chicken soup with milk added. There was some shredded cheese but not a lot. I used carrots and onions. Of course the turkey and noodles. Since I had spaghetti noodles handy and actually a few that were in my frig as leftovers, I used them instead of fettuccini. I used crushed chip crumbs on top. Waste not ya know. I really don't know what else was in it. Darn it. I know the recipes I looked at called for peas and I decided on carrots. I didn't use one particular recipe so I can't look it up. Shoot. Well that'll teach me!
I learned I can still sew! lol I don't do much in the way of sewing anymore so when Corry brought me the couch cushion to repair, I was a bit leary about doing it. Angel had washed it and the entire zipper had come off. Oh boy. When I took it downstairs and set to fixing it, it all came back like riding a bike. When it was done, it was good as new. Yay me!
Cooking fails seem to be my thing lately. I made bean soup and it smelled so good! It looked fabulous. It tasted....SALTY! Nothing worse than salty. Even after putting the potato in for a long time to absorb the excess salt it was still bad. I haven't made myself toss it yet, but I'm thinking by tomorrow I'll be able to let that pot o' beans swirl down the disposal. No way can we eat it! No way. Blood pressure nightmare!
We had to go to Verizon to reset the phone brought back to us that someone used. Sometimes I think these smart phones are only smart because they make us feel dumb! I did a hard reset on it and still it had the last user's apple ID attached to it. It was useless. It's bad enough we still have to pay for the sucker for the next 16 months, but the fact it couldn't be used made me angry! What the heck.
Cliff went in to Verizon after we had messed with it a few days and it was one of those "click - here ya go" fixes. Now why can't the fix be posted somewhere online to save people the inconvenience of going into a store? Dumb.
In case you wondered, the apple cider at Aldi's is wonderful! Liquid apple. No odd tastes.
I'm going to get back into writing one way or the other. It is so good for me! We had our first meeting to organize the next reunion for the singing/social action group we belonged to as teens. I volunteered to do a blog for the masses to keep everyone up to speed with what's happening. Made me feel good to get going on it.
Writing for me sort of has a domino effect. One project leads to another and soon I'm doing a lot of it which makes me feel fantastic! Who knew I'd ever feel that way about writing. I always thought my best suit was something in the math area in school I never would have imagined myself actually enjoying writing with a passion.
Packaged cinnamon biscuits are good. I think a little less milk than called for would have made them better, but they tasted very good. Martha White brand. Yum.
That was Saturday's breakfast. Lunch was a quesadilla inspired by the leftovers in the frig. I had leftover fajita chicken and the onions and peppers to go with it. Oh and mine also had mushrooms added. I love the quesadilla maker my sister-in-law April gave us for Christmas many years back. All you do is put the filling between two tortillas and close it. In just a few short minutes, you've got something tasty.
Since my blog has been nothing but boring this time, I'm cutting it off. lol I know you're thanking me for that. I hear you. But beware. I shall be back.
~~Mama Sage