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Sunday, September 1, 2013

I just didn't get it done today

Humidity and this body just don’t mix.  I checked the weather on my phone and it said the humidity was 64%.  I walked outside and the air was so thick I could hardly breathe.  Hmm  Something wasn’t right.  Since I couldn’t breathe, my whole day’s plans changed.

I really wanted to go to our grandson Hadyn’s football game.  I just knew it was a bad idea for me to be outside.  I’m VERY proud of him though.  Corry gave me the report that even though they lost, he had two great tackles and a couple sacs.  SUPER!  You have to understand, he is right smack dab on that front line and he’s not a big guy.  The week before he was faced with a HUGE opponent.  I didn’t get to see this week, but my guess is it was probably another pretty good sized kid. 


I had also planned to get a letter written and sent to our granddaughter Brandi.  Brandi is in bootcamp for guard right now in South Carolina.  We are so proud of her!  This is a picture her boyfriend found on her group’s website.  I’m so glad to see it.  You know they’re doing fine.  They’re in good hands during their training, but a picture just says so much!

Brandi is on the bottom row behind the wood on the left.

I have a good start on the letter but want to take a little more time with it tomorrow.  This being the Labor Day weekend, it wouldn’t go very far even if I had mailed it today.


We ran into a great deal today.  I think anyone can get it.  Go to the Spaghetti Warehouse website.  That is if you have one close.  With the coupon you’ll find there, you get

2 lasagna entrees

2 fettuccini Alfredo entrees

2 chicken parmesan entrees

4 salads or soups (we got two of each)

2 loaves of their bread with two little tubs of the garlic spread

All that food for $30.  Since you can get it to go curbside, you can get it without purchasing drinks or paying a tip.  Awesome deal.  I haven’t found any better deal anywhere.  It’s only good through Monday so get online and take advantage of it ASAP.


I want y’all to keep me to this….I want to start going to the gym on Tuesday.  I’d like to start slow but go a couple times a week to start out.  I’ve got to get in there and strengthen up some.  I’m having a terrible time really.  I keep saying I’m doing good, encouraging myself.  I’m talking my way to positive.  But the truth is my legs feel very weak.  And when the shoulders start up, it’s bad.  Last night I had trouble with both legs and both shoulders all night long.  It made sleeping nearly impossible.  So far tonight doesn’t look like it will be much better.  I’ve got so much I want to do I just can’t let this body of mine fail me.


Dinner tonight was a real challenge.  I had decided on some sweet and sour chicken stir fry.  I had the chicken all cut up and waiting.  I’d gotten the veggies ready.  I started browning the chicken.  And then I realized I didn’t have some of the ingredients I really needed.  So I just played around and made it up as I went along.  It didn’t really end up like sweet and sour chicken but it was good. 

I browned the chicken in a little olive oil.  I added the veggies and continued cooking until the veggies were as soft as we like them.  I added the sauce mix which included a pouch of seasoning I had on the shelf, some catsup, some soy sauce, some sugar.  And then I realized no cornstarch.  Well I had to thicken it somehow.  I didn’t have pineapple chunks but I had crushed pineapple.  I stirred some brown gravy mix into it and then stirred that mix into the pan.  It was really good with a decent consistency to serve over rice.  I couldn’t do the steps to go down and get white or brown rice (I had run out in the kitchen and my pantry is downstairs).  I dug around the cupboard and found two pouches of cook it quick in the microwave rice.  Uncle Ben’s garlic wild rice mix.  It was wild rice with red and black quinoa.  Turned out pretty good.  We just had peaches with it.

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. 
Be happy now. 
Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.  Think how really precious is the time you have to spend,
whether it's at work or with your family. 
 Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.

~~Earl Nightengale

I got out some cleaning supplies for tomorrow and then headed upstairs after cleaning the kitchen.  Once I was up here I put away the laundry and cleaned part of the bathroom.  I can’t do it all at once so I just did the sink tonight.  I did the tub deep clean the other day.  One thing at a time and eventually it all gets done.  It’s the best I can do. 

Well it’s time to try to relax these legs and see if maybe some Aleve will give me some relief.  I don’t need another bad night.

See you next time…

~~Mama Sage

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