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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Slowing down … want to or not!

I really don’t like this slowing down thing my body is going through.  It’s hard when my mind is still on zoom and my body has switched to scoot.  I’m trying hard to keep doing things but so often something slows me right down.  Like tonight.  I had all good intentions of coming upstairs after the weather (my old routine) and starting to bring back down things we had taken to the attic to make the office into a bedroom.  When the things were taken up, I had Natalie and Kennedy here to do the carrying.  I thought down would be so much easier than up. 

When I got up here, I decided to dust this floor first.  By the time I had the second floor dusted, I was exhausted.  I could hardly breathe!  I don’t know if I was just overworked or if I was having a tad bit of a problem with my asthma.  But, whatever, plans changed and I ended up pulling out yarn for more little blankets and rolling some half done projects into yarn balls. 

I love how even pretty ugly yarns turn into cute once they are paired with another thin yarn and knitted up into itty bitty baby blankets.  When I first started these I wasn’t real excited about them.  I loved the little hats I’d made and they actually made up pretty fast.  I just wasn’t sure about the blankets.  Now that I have several done (almost 20) I’m enjoying it.  I’m enjoying putting all this yarn I’d stored into use.  I’m glad that yarn that my mom and my gramma and a few others passed down is being put to use.  And for it to go to little babies so small (NiCU babies) is a bonus.  You see those tiny little babies no bigger than someone’s hand and you want to help.  I kind of feel like this is helping.  Makes me feel good inside.


I’m really enjoying free vacations.  We still have a couple more that we haven’t done.  One is an all expenses and fees paid cruise.  One is another trip to Branson or Pigeon Forge.  Well those are still available after we take this last one this year.  It’s nice to just pay the gas and have a home away from home when we get there.  We will stop at the commissary at Ft. Leonard Wood this trip.  It’s about two hours out of Branson so with a cooler we will be good.  We’re going to in Branson all week and don’t plan on eating out much if at all. 

We have a timeshare in Branson but we can stay pretty much anywhere with it.  It has all the supplies you need in the kitchen, all linens, etc.  It’s great.  They have several properties and we’ve stayed at two different ones so far.  This will be the third.  I understand there is one more in the Branson area so one day we will have to stay there. 


Am I un-American?  I mean is it required that if you live in the US of A that you love baseball?  I don’t.  Still.  Even after giving it a rallying try this year.  I can, however, tolerate it more.  That’s progress.  Yep, give me football any old day, but baseball?  Naaaaaa. 


The plan was to steam and dust the first floor Sunday.  Didn’t happen.  I did get the dusting done but it wore me out.  I love the swiffer duster dealie.  So much easier to dust with.  Have you tried them yet? 


Sunday’s running around included getting gas ~~choke choke~~ , getting what little groceries we could, and finding out Cartridge World was closed Sunday and Labor Day.  Hope we don’t have to print something! 

Our meals all weekend were leftovers pretty much.  I had an open face sloppy joe for lunch so I wouldn’t eat as much bread.  Then for supper, I made us a pizza.  It was pretty cheap to make.  We got three crusts at the R Store so the crust was .50.  The sauce was leftover pizza sauce I had frozen.  We had gotten a 5# chub of Italian sausage at the R Store one time for $7 and I had chunks of it in the freezer too.  We added the sausage, some pepperoni, some black olives and some mushrooms.  I cooked it on my pizza stone and it was awesome.

We are not a failure
because we fail at something.
Nobody is a failure unless they quit trying!
~~Joyce Meyer
I love that the little ones are getting artistic and bringing me pictures.  These are a couple that our budding artists have brought to Mimi to hang up for all to see.

After the little bit of running around we did today, we came home, ate a little and I got going with the steam cleaning.  It took me doing part at a time to get through it, but eventually the livingroom, diningroom and kitchen got done.  Tomorrow my plan is to attack the furniture.  We shall see.  I hope it gets done but I also need to finish the bathroom cleanup and sweep the stairs and second floor.  Wish me strength!!
And I felt guilty for not doing more so I just went up and straightened the office supply shelves.  I didn’t purge it but that will eventually happen.  I brought a few things down but didn’t do much.  It’s going to take a very long time to get it all done and have things back where they belong. 
Well by Wednesday, all the kids will be back in school.  And Miss Melanie will be in preschool just like Miss Emerson.  I love having them all around, but I remember how exciting it was to have them all back in school.  Here’s to a superb school year.
Love and hugs from
~~Mama Sage

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