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Friday, February 3, 2012

What crazy weather!

I can't believe it. Who ever heard of so a winter this mild and this short? It's just nuts! I guess I really can't say "this short" just yet. Punxsutawney Phil hasn't had his say. And we all know what THAT was. I wonder if Phil, his buddy Buckeye Chuck or our weathermen will come closer to an accurate prediction.
I've been getting little things done the last several days. I did have Emmi a little during our four day break, I had CJ one day and Madison today, but for the most part I kept productive.
One of my biggest accomplishments was getting the attic cleaned up after the Christmas chaos. Boy oh boy I had a mess. Couldn't even walk up there! It's all straightened up now to the point I could actually enjoy scrapbooking again. As soon as I get time.
I did some other sifting around and tried to start the filing. I gave up on it for today when I ran out of staples. I want pages stapled together from purchases, from bank statements, etc. and so on. Instead, I knitted some, cleaned little areas and did some work in the bathroom.
Every father should remember
that one day his son will follow his example
instead of his advice.
Okay now loved ones. Can I just say this one more time? My 8,is your 4! My body clock is a few hours off from yours. I respect your body clock, please respect mine. I've grown tired of being told I should follow normal body clock hours. No. YOU follow MINE!
Now I'm not really going to ask you to follow my hours, but can you please try to remember that I do not get up early. I've just gone to bed. You got to bed at 10 or 11. I go to bed at 2 or 3 most nights. You get up at 7 or 8. I get up at 10 or so depending on how many interruptions I got and when I actually fell asleep. I eat breakfast when you eat lunch. I eat lunch when you eat supper. And just like you eat 4 or 5 hours before you hit the sack, so do I. We are so different. We're just a few hours off from being just alike!
Why do I write this? Because it never fails that my phone doesn't start ringing bright and early. No I won't turn it off. I have a quiver full of grandkids, five kids and an elderly mother-in-law. ANYthing could happen! No, I need to stay connected.
I put another one of my Christmas gifts to use. Cliff got me a laminator and sleeves for it and some page protectors. I took the cookbook I did for the kids and put the pages in plastic protectors. Wish I could afford to get some for all the kids' books. Just too expensive.
Lunch today was chili. Since it was homemade, it had been skimmed of every bit of fat and had no added salt. I didn't do crackers or anything with it. I had my breakfast/lunch ration of carbs with my breakfast. Bran flakes with raisins. And I only got half the bowl. Emmi likes chili! :-)
My snack was mandarin oranges. I'd already taken my sugar and it was pretty low. I figured the sugar in the oranges wasn't going to hurt. And I love those things.

We had Emmi today and we also had Madison, Haydn and CJ. They play so good together. I love watching kids pretend. This group really uses imagination. Today the box I got from Kris and Darlene for Christmas was a car!
I just HAD to! I watched what they did on The Chew today and decided to mess with my strata recipe. This is what I ended up with...
Not a Stata
1. Spray the bottom and sides of a 13 x 9 pan
2. Go to freezer and find those overcooked biscuits. Take them out and tear into pieces and layer in pan. Didn't seem like quite enough bread so add 4 leftover hot dog buns also torn into pieces.
3. Sprinkle feather shredded cheddar cheese. For variety add a little feta.
4. Fry up a pound of that 99cent a pound bacon. Drain it good, cool it and chop it into bite size pieces. Sprinkle that next.
5. Saute an onion, red and yellow sweet peppers and 1/4 of a bell pepper. Plop it around evenly.
6. Slightly beat 10 eggs, paprika, pepper, glug milk. Pour it evenly over top.
7. Take a spatula and squash it down.
8. Bake at 350 until top starts to brown and eggs have cooked.
You were born an original.
Don't become a copy.
Well, I finished another scarf. I don't know why I'm even making them. It's not cold. And they're not selling.
I can't stand my feet right now. They are in so much pain and so is this knee. That isn't good. The injections need to last six months. I can't have any more until that point. I have medicine to take, but I don't want to take it. I don't want to rely on a pill to take this awful pain away. It makes me too, too tired! And since they're being so bad tonight, I'm going to end this.
Hoping to keep blogging regularly...somewhat...
~~Mama Sage

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to read your blogs!! You inspire me to organize, cook, and enjoy life too. Grandchildren and family are great distractions form what really might be going on around and in us. Love Ya

    Jane from Ohio....
