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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Tennessee Vacation--part 2


                Day #2 is about to start!!  GET UP GET UP GET UP GET UP!!!

                All of y’all who know me KNOW I don’t do morning.  Well THIS morning is different!  Can’t sleep!  Gotta be up and out and on the road.  Dollywood awaits!  YES!

                We got there bright and early.  $8 to park.  Whew!  To take up just a few square feet of space for just not even 24 hours?  Wow what a racket!  Lol  We followed the signs and found the park without a hitch.  It was a lot farther from the main road than we thought it was.  Don’t know why, but we both thought it was right over yonder just past the main road.  That’s where the sign is, but the park is quite a ways back.

                We parked up close in the handicapped parking in an end spot so we could unload the carts.  The ramps that we got at Harbor Freight worked perfect.  We were able to roll the cart right up and then roll them right back out without a problem at all.  We had backpacks that we hung on the back of our seats to hold water and other things we thought we might need through the day.  We’d also packed our filtered water bottles.  Great things.  Each filter will do 150 bottles of water.  They hold 20 ounces I think.  That’s about $22 worth if you get 24 16.9 oz. bottles on sale for $2.99.  Filters are about $3 each so it’s a lot cheaper than bottled water.

                Dollywood has a great rate for military, active and retired.  The total cost is $39.90 for one day.    Their regular rate is $57.25.  Before the day is over, if you plan to go a second day, you can upgrade to a season pass for $34.  So for $73.90 you can go again and again and again.  We actually planned to do that but decided that we would only do the one day.  There is SO much down there we wanted to experience all we could.

                And we

were at Dollywood!

                We picked a great time to be there.  They were having a Barbeque and Bluegrass celebration.  We saw so many awesome acts!  Loved it!  And the smells.  OH it was mouthwatering!  But something else impressed me even more.  I don’t think I could even count how many people, workers and guests, who noticed Cliff’s retired Air Force hat and came to thank him for his service.  It was really something to behold.  The people of the south really do appreciate the servicemen.  In fact, this was only the introduction to the appreciation.  Everywhere we went it continued to happen the entire week.  And at every performance we were at they outright honored the military.  Amazing.

That’s the Smoky Mountain String Band.  Cool guys.

                Next stop was just to glance at the outside of Dolly’s bus.  Oh wow.  I’d have loved to go in it, but I didn’t want to try the climbing just yet.  I’d had that shot in the knee on Wednesday and it seemed like it was doing a good job, but the day had just begun and I didn’t want to wreck myself just yet.

                Next we caught a show.  It was inside a theater and we drove our buggies right on in.  The group was great.  And the gal in it told us to look for her brother in the 50’s street show.  Okie dokie.  Sounded like a plan.     
                We ate burgers for lunch.  Nothing special but good.  I really enjoyed the little show we watched as we ate.  A 50’s street show called the Gem Tones, the one that gal had told us about.  Cute.

                Throughout the park were memorial signs for lots and lots of entertainers.  It was interesting to check them all out. 
                The next performance we came upon was a group called The Larkins.  Loved the fiddlin’!  Oh the singing was great too, but that fiddle…

At the end of their show they announced that there was going to be a cooking demonstration followed by a watermelon eating contest.  Cool!  Down home country fun!

                Too bad we’d already eaten.  We ran up on this super skillet of mmmmm good smellin’ grub after we got done with the Larkins’ show. 
And the pie wasn’t bad either!  25 pounds of apple pie for $70.  You could feed a crowd for a week!
                Just had to show you this cute picture.  I got such a kick out of the crafty things everywhere.
                Up the road a piece we found the replica house of Dolly’s childhood home.  It is unbelievable that they raised that many younguns in such a small, small space.  My hat’s off to that mama!
                I got a real kick out of the rocking area. 
                Since we were in carts, we felt the freedom to see something and go for it instead of count our steps and make use of each one.  We did a lot of ziggin’ and zaggin’ and saw a lot.  The wagon maker was cool.  There was a barn that had a guy making wagon wheels.  He’d stopped to talk to one family and we sort of sat by and listened. 
                The carts made by this company had something special about them.  They were all made by hand with an eagle eye of love and in each you would find an embedded penny.  The penny served more than one purpose.  It records the year of manufacture, it brings luck to the passengers and it ensures the wagon will always be worth something.  Neat, isn’t it?

Next we stopped in the beautiful little chapel that actually does hold services on Sundays.  But I think the next stop about did my cart in.  I was curious. 

It was at the tippy, tippy top of a steep, steep hill and I made my cart do it with all my weight.  I could almost hear it crying!  How could I resist though?  Log furniture!  Gorgeous stuff.  Everything from bedroom sets to outdoor swings.  I loved it all.  And there is a skunk outside as I’m writing this.  It’s a little hard to hold my nose and type!  I appreciate wildlife but this lil honey can find another place to roam!

Next we watched a show called wings of America.  Cool, informative bird show.  It was in the area that they have eagles who’ve been rescued and are healing or who have injuries that won’t allow them to be sent back to the wild.  I’ve never been so close to that beautiful bird.

No, the birds weren't in little bitty cages.  They actually had a mountainside all their own. 

                I think I appreciated the bird show more since our kids just got birds from a bird rescue place.  A friend of theirs has the rescue and let them adopt two of the birds.  Our extra son Brian has also adopted one.  Such beautiful birds.  They are slowly learning that they are in a place that will love them and are beginning to get back feathers where they had plucked themselves bald.  One of Kris and Darlene’s wasn’t an abused bird and had its feathers.  Its owners just couldn’t take care of it any more.

                We did go into the blown glass shop to have a look see and I couldn’t leave without a favorite ornament.  Butterflies is Dolly’s symbol and she sings about chasing rainbows.  I found a rainbow colored butterfly perched on a circle of clear glass that made me think about the song we heard earlier that I LOVE.   ~~ Will the circle be unbroken, by and by, Lord, by and by.  There’s a better home a-waiting, in the sky, Lord, in the sky.~~  The ribbon on it said Dollywood 2011 so it was a perfect souvenir of our trip.

 Supper was at a little place called Ham and Beans.  And that’s what I had.  Pulled ham and beans with cole slaw on the side and a little iron skillet of cornbread and butter.  Yummy.  The gals at the blown glass shop said we wouldn’t be sorry and they were right. 
While we were eating, I was watching the leather worker.  He was working on a belt.  If Cliff hadn’t just got a new belt, we’d have been in the market for one.

On our way to the show Sha-kon-o-hey (land of blue smoke) we did run into a funky chicken.

Wouldn’t it be fun to run around like that and watching all the little kids’ faces?  I really do like to interact in silly ways with the public.  Just don’t get the chance to do it much these days.

                My pictures of the show didn’t turn out good.  I really needed to use a flash and even though we were allowed, I felt like it would have taken away from the beauty of the show to sit back and flash away with as many pictures as I take.  The normal Joe only takes a couple.  I take hundreds.  It was a fantastic show.  So entertaining for all ages and full of education.

                I know I’ve missed a lot of what we saw, but if I told you everything there we’d be here for hours!  I loved the iron works.  I loved every single show we saw.  I loved the rides.  It was all good.  The only thing that sort of made the hairs on my neck stand up on edge was this weird old man.  Cliff had gone to get our Dixie Stampede tickets from the booth they had there (our next day’s adventure plan) and the old guy followed me and sat and kept talking.  I don’t mind talking to strangers ever.  But this guy?  He was just weird!  And his conversation went from odd to downright nasty!  Lol  Sooooo I put my buggy in “go” and went!  And wouldn’t you know that on our way out, HE FOUND ME!  Lol  Put the buggy in rabbit mode then and high tailed it to the van! 

1 comment:

  1. I finally got to... read part 2 and fell in love with it. You have such a great eye for pics and love them. Those dressers were just fab, so was the eateries. Have fun LuAnn
