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Monday, September 10, 2012

And the phone rang

just as I was getting ready to get the day going.  It was Rusty.  Cliff had gone to pick Emmi and Adam up and there was a problem.  He asked me if he had been having any troubles with slurred speech or anything the day before.  No.  Just a neck ache that progressed to a headache.  He told me that his jaw was drooping and he was having problems.  He needed to go to the ER. 
Long story short, Missy picked me up.  Adam took Cliff to the ER and we met them there.  Several hours later, it was diagnosed he has Bell's Palsy.  His eye is also drooping.  They put him on an anti-viral medicine and prednisone.  I guess it's been determined that most times it is caused by a virus that attacks one of the two main nerves that controls face muscles.  He was also told he will need to use eye drops and tape his eye shut at night so it doesn't drift open and dry out. 
So the day was quite interesting.  Nerves got me when we got home.  I tried to chill out and we ended up having a mixture of rice with a few little veggies and browned hamburger for supper.  Cheap.  Easy.  Quick.  My kind of meal on a day like today.
Still pretty worked up, I sat down and finished the little elf I'd started.  His name is #09102012 until his is adopted and given a proper name.   I've decided to sell the little guys.  I started making them last year when I saw how cheap and ready to fall apart so many of the store bought elves are.  Mine are unique, each being hand stitched and designed as I go.  I don't generally have a plan.  I let them talk to me as I'm making them. 

I think I'm also going to do some tree top and/or shelf angels.  Lacey and pretty.  After I get a few elves done, I'll start working on the angels.  Yes.  I'll be sure and post pictures of them when I do them too.  :-) 
And so I'm ready to say adios to Monday and get on with Tuesday.  May the day be a little less eventful!  I want to thank God for my family.  Adam, Missy, Caitlin and Kris came to the hospital.  The others were working and couldn't be there so they kept in close contact by phone and text.  Thank you, kids, for being there.  Love you all so much!
Until tomorrow...
Lots of hugs...
~~Mama Sage
Things turn out best for people who make the best
of the way things turn out.

~~John Wooden

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