I'm pooped. I had Emmi here long hours today and I'm flat out pooped. I don't think I'll be blogging about anything earth shattering. Well unless you count the very loud and very long fireworks that were downtown today. Not sure what they were for, but it was 11 or so when they started and they drug on quite a while. Wish the leaves were down so I could have enjoyed them. Soon...
I do want to remind you of a danger in your home. I was getting ready to clean the bathroom last night, late of course, and opened up the cabinet of cleaners. Someone had put a spray top on the bottle of The Works. I thought, oh. Good idea! I'll use less because it will cover more. Well let me just say WRONG! I sprayed it and it absolutely took my breath away. I couldn't breathe in OR out. I ran to the window and stuck my head out and could breathe. Held my breath, ran over and turned on the shower. Back to the window. Breathed a few then held my breath again. I did this until I had washed the shower clear of the cleaner concoction. Oh it was scary! I don't know who did that or why, but it went down the drain and then into the trash with the container. I closed up the bathroom, window open, fan on, water running and went into my room. My chest hurt. I turned on my oxygen and pulled the tube off my c-pap and put it into my mouth and started breathing it in and out, in and out and finally after a little while, the pain went away and I felt better. I left the bathroom fan on all night but did end up shutting the window and turning off the water after a while. I wanted NO trace of whatever it was in this house.
All day today, I've been sneezing like crazy. Just can't seem to stop. I generally do this when I'm severely dried out. Today I'm not though. I'm wondering if there isn't something that my body is trying to expel. Whatever I sure hope I wake up tomorrow without this sneezing fit nonsense.
When we visited my cousin, she showed me how she makes all her own cleaners and such. I'd kind of had a bug to do some of it again (did when the kids were little) and that gave me some inspiration. Now this! As soon as cleaners in this house are gone, they're gone! NO more. Back to simplicity!!
Our youngest flew in this evening. He's here for the Browns home opener. I'm itchin to go but don't know if we could even do it. Just something about football...
And today passed and we didn't get in the pool. Now it's going down into the 60's so I think our swim days are over. Sad. I wish I could still walk in the pool. That did me so much good. I'll have to keep on losing and look for another low impact exercise. Has to be until I get that new knee and who knows how long it will be before that happens.
Toaster struedel was our breakfast this morning. I know. Not the best for us, but it was good! And Emmi enjoyed squeezing the icing on them and decorating for us.
We did our weekly produce and milk run. Didn't find any killer deals, but did bring home chicken nuggets for Emmi's lunches. She had those and applesauce today. And then a yogurt. And then raisins. And then a banana. lol She saw things and wanted them. Acted like she was starved! What a cutie.
We were closing up the porch things because the rains were getting close and Emmi decided to bring in her little bike. "Because Uncle Adam will want to see me ride it." Okay. That's fine.
Her latest thing to do is to fill bags. Any bag. My grocery bags, the newspaper bags, little cloth bags. Any she finds. And then she twists and twists and twists them tight. Don't ask me why. It keeps her busy. And when you can keep a two year old busy in a non-destructive way...that's a good thing!
I've started working on elves. Our kids all have them now so any I do this year will probably be for sale. I just don't know how much time I'll have. I also wanted to do some lacy treetop angels. Don't know if I'll be able to. And the gifts on my list. And and and.... When I was younger, I'd have accomplished it all. Now? Hey. Anything I get done is success!
Dinner tonight was oven roasted (far too long) veggies and sausage in buns with mushroom and onions sauteed in sherry for a topper. Turned out okay but not the best.
And this is it. Can't do any more. Like I said, I'm whipped and need to go rest.
Hugs to all,
~~Mama Sage
I love catching up with you. Honored that you share with us. ~barb k~