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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Well happy day!

And good morning to me!  What an uncalled for awakening.  I had JUST fallen asleep and my phone rang.  Now I don't mind if it's someone who needs me for something but this one was just ridiculous!  My caller ID said "SUMMA registration."  I looked at the clock and it said it was 5:30am!  My mind raced.  Who in the?  What the?  Was someone?  Before I could react and get enough saliva in my mouth to talk (it was a bad night for dryness), it hit voice mail.  I shook my head a bit, raised up on my good elbow and called my voice mail.  "Hi.  I hate to wake you, but we need coverage on your floor from blah blah to blah blah and just wanted to know if you want to pick up a few hours.  Can you call me back at blah blah blah?"  NOOOOOOO!  BECAUSE YOU DIALED THE WRONG NUMBER!!!  Not happy.  And I bet they were still short staffed today!
I tried to go back to sleep and just ended up dozing mostly.  Never did fall totally asleep.  I knew we were having at least one of the little girls here today and I always want to be chipper when they're here.  Two year olds can really keep you busy!
I got up, got dressed and headed downstairs, let the dog out and got a little something to eat.  Can't take some of the morning meds without food.  I guess that's a good thing because it makes me eat breakfast even when I don't want to.  When Cliff and Missy both got here with the girls, they wanted to play outside.  I went out and sat on the picnic table with Missy while they jumped on the little trampoline and swang on the swings. 
Soon Cait came to pick up Emmi.  Cliff went on up to sleep a while and Missy and I headed out for some groceries.  We started out at the meat market Missy shops at, Pressler's.  I walked in and was totally sucked in with the wonderful smell of fresh homemade Polish sausage.  They sold me.  Left with a big bag of it along with some fresh ground beef. 
We had planned to go to Hartville for produce but were short on time.  Instead we stopped at the Aldi store on the way home.  Their produce was actually very good.  It's one of he newer, cleaner stores.  I picked up Romaine 3 heads for 1.99, big peppers for 2/$1, mushrooms, sweet peppers, strawberries, grape tomatoes...can't think what else right now.  Enough to get by. 
I had planned on getting in the pool today, but it was a tad cold.  Yep even with the temperature today at 92, the pool was chilly.  I was pretty disappointed.  I had so been looking forward to it.  I'm thinking about braving it tomorrow anyhow unless we get hit with storms from Isaac. 
When Cliff got up and we got Emmi back again, we headed up to North Olmsted to pick up Kennedy.  The trip was good, but the whole way up, I was antsy.  You know when you get a bug you want something and it just won't get away?  I wanted ice cream.  I rarely crave anything sweet but it just wouldn't quit!  lol  So after we got her in the car, I very quickly said we HAD TO stop at the ice cream store at the end of her street.  Mmmm good!  A hot fudge Sunday more than hit the spot.
When we got home, I made Tortellini.  Three cheese.  I made a sort of sauce with diced tomatoes, onion, pepper, mushrooms and spices.  A little Italian seasoning, fennel and pepper.  It was very good.  And not bad for me either.  Made me feel better about eating that ice cream to eat something semi-healthy!
Emmi wanted to watch her "princess movie" so we put Tangled in the DVR.  She loves that thing.  I guess all or most kids have their favorite movie.  My kids wore out Willy Wonka and Kennedy wore out Tom and Jerry.  She knew it by heart!  Now Emmi is doing the same with Tangled.  Hey.  At least it's a good movie!
I also headed downstairs to grab things a friend thought she might want for her daughter's baby shower and took pictures.  We'll be taking them to her on Sunday.  I'm so glad I have so many serving things to share.  When I got them, the cost was justified and seeing them used over and over just makes it even better. 
I've finished Melanie and Emmi's birth samplers (Christmas gifts) and am nearly done with CJ's.  Just wish I could find more patterns.  I'd like to make sure everyone in the family had one for Christmas but I don't want them all the same.  They shouldn't cost more than two or three, maybe four dollars.  If you see any anywhere, let me know!
I got to foolin' around on my computer a bit tonight, my laptop, and realized one of my files had duplicate pictures.  Now if I was the average person, that wouldn't be much of a problem.  But...I'm Mama Sage.  And Mama Sage likes her camera.  I like pictures, old and new.  THIS was a problem for me.  Storage.  I have to organize!  Caution:  big job ahead!
The weekend is here.  I supposedly have time to accomplish things.  I need to work on computer files, regular files, do laundry, and fill a few bags for charity.  We shall see.  Cross your fingers for me.
“You never know what's around the corner.
It could be everything.
Or it could be nothing.
You keep putting one foot in front of the other,
and then one day you look back and you've climbed a mountain.”
~~Tom Hiddleston


~~Mama Sage

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