I woke up this morning with so many aches. I knew it would be a rainy day. When the humidity kicks in, the fibro kicks my butt.
Adam's in town and he, Rusty and Cait wanted to go somewhere with friends to watch the Ohio State game, so we had Emmi here. We also like watching so it was on here. Emmi told methe people were dressed Indians. I told her the red was like some of the Indians fans dress but it was football. Ohio State. She told me to turn on the Indians. Girl likes her baseball.
We've been working on potty training her and she's just such a busy little girl she hasn't been real interested. Today she decided to try to potty "so Uncle Corry will say Yay Emmi!" She didn't go even though she sat there quite a while, but she tried. He left a dollar for her and said when she poops in the potty she can have the dollar. NOW she's excited! Who knew a dollar bill would work better than a twenty dollar toy!
After Emmi and the kids left, I decided to go ahead and make the cookies I'd been planning on making. I made oatmeal, using some "big raisins" from California that my mother-in-law sent away for and had frozen. She gave me two bags when she went through her freezer and it was the first time I decided to use them. They were fine, but a little sugary and dry from age, but still very useable. When I put them into the batter, they broke up in little pieces and MAN it made those cookies good! Raisins make cookies moist and good anyhow and when they're broken up like this they make them great! Thjey tasted like yummy cookies you'd pay a good buck for. I've got a bunch hidden away for a couple events coming up and still filled the cookie jar.
I didn't want to do a lot of moving around so the filing and mending are put off until tomorrow. Instead, I decided to work on my book a while. I sure wish I hadn't started out with it the way I did. I don't want to chuck it and start over but I really made myself a mess. I did "notes" for the book on more than one computer then put them together to refine and expand on. What a disorganized mess! Can't stand it! It's going to be a chore until I get the basics or organization done. I have really procrastinated about it and I can't do that any longer. I need it done by December so I need to stick with it.
I made bean soup today but we won't eat it until tomorrow. It's always better if it sits a day or so to marry the flavors. I'll make some cornbread to go with it tomorrow for our main meal. I actually started it last night. I put the ham bone in the crockpot of water to cook all night. Today I strained the broth and got it ready to be considered soup. I added an onion, a bunch of carrots, celery and the ham meat after I'd de-fatted the broth. Then some pepper. Bean soup needs pepper. I wasn't sure what kind of beans I wanted to use and settled on Great Northern since I didn't have any Limas. They're always my favorite. My sister prefers Navy Beans. Beans are beans and they're good for you so whatever I have is what I use.
It felt good to have the doors and windows open today. It'll feel even better to have the window open all night. It's going to be so nice out! For the next week at least I'm hoping not to use the air or the heater. It's time to give the budget a break.
Well, my friends, I'm going to go back to that book for a while before I turn in so I'm going to sign off here. Hope to see you tomorrow. And remember...
We need to find the courage to say NO
to the things and people that are not serving us
if we want to rediscover ourselves
and live our lives with authenticity.
~~Barbara De Angelis
~~Mama Sage
Always such wonderfully wise words and always keeping yourself so incredibly busy. A great example for the rest of us. Big Hugs and Love from Southern California. ~barb k~